Search Engine Optimisation
Otherwise known as SEO. An essential part of any business wanting free advertising and exposure on the internet. Yet, Search Engine Optimisation is something that frightens or bewilders many business owners.
Firstly, because without Search Engine Optimisation, your competitors are enjoying increasing online sales and/or exposure whilst you eat their dust.
You may have looked into how to SEO your own website, but it all seemed too hard, or you may have been put off by dire warnings about Google banning your website due to using wrong techniques.
You have likely scoured the websites of other Search Engine Optimisation firms and have come away more confused than enlightened. They have probably given you a long rant about SEO, half trying to teach you aspects of Search Engine Optimisation, using terms like Meta Tags, h1, Anchor Text and so on, yet you will rarely find prices, let alone a "Buy Now" button!
If you managed to get a quote it probably made you fall off your office chair. Search Engine Optimisation firms often charge 5 to 10 grand, and even more for their services. Putting SEO out of the reach of many businesses.
How are we different? Here goes:
1.Order Now Online! You don't need lectures, nor classes in Search Engine Optimisation, you need solutions, yesterday. Thats our approach. Lets get on with it. No sending email requests, waiting for replies, getting quotes, getting shocked, mailing contracts etc. We accept Visa, Mastercard & PayPal. We start within a week of you ordering.

2. Patience when needed. Yes we've fast-tracked the SEO startup process, but we show plenty of patience when needed. Google, Yahoo & Co don't appreciate shortcuts and crafty tricks to get to the top quickly. That's called Black Hat SEO, and that's what will get you banned from the search engines.
All our SEO methods are within the search engines' guidelines, otherwise known as Ethical Search Engine Optimisation, or White Hat SEO.

3. We are Specialists. We don't do much web design, nor anything else for that fact. We believe that you can't be excellent at everything. Most Web Designers hate Search Engine Optimisation, because it distracts them from their passion, building websites. Apart from that, many of them stink at SEO.
We love Search Engine Optimisation and excel at it.
4. Results. At the end of the day, isn't that the most important thing? Ours speak for themselves. Please go to our current Case Study page to see for yourself.
Why are we so affordable?
We keep it lean. No flash CBD office, fat executive salaries, middle management, corporate functions, or dizzy receptionists.
Email Rocks.
We prefer you email us, but you are always welcome to call. You will either talk to a person who knows how help you, or you will get our voice mail. We find that voice mail is about as helpful as the average receptionist and about $1000 a week cheaper.
Rest assured, we check it frequently and get back to you right away. We hope you understand.
SEO PRO - Small business focus
Whilst it may look good on our resume to have multinational corporations as clients, that is not our focus. We are happier serving the motels, panel shops, restaurants and contractors of this world. We just like it better that way.
We look forward to helping you get some serious new business in the near future.
The SEO PRO team.
